Six Types Of Mulch For Your Garden

Mulches come in many different makeups, each of which provides a different benefit to your garden. They can be used for pathways, for water retention, to prevent erosion, or for a variety of different applications that help maintain plant growth in your garden. Understanding these six types of mulches can help you decide which one is best for your needs. Pebbles: Pebbles are most commonly used as pathways or driveways, and offer easy drainage, which can be important in areas that collect too much water.

How To Remove A Bad Carpet Odor

If you have carpeting in your home with either pets or kids, chances are you are going to have some sort of accident that results in a horrible carpet odor. These odors will not ruin your carpeting forever, as there are ways to remove the smell and restore your carpet to how it once was. Clean More Than Just The Surface Odors can develop in carpeting because the problem was not addressed properly in the fist place.

4 Affordable Tips To Make Your Trade Show Booth Stand Out

If you're heading to a local trade show to raise awareness about your business, you are probably looking to get as much attention for your company as possible. One thing that you might be concerned about, however, is competing with other business owners and representatives who have a bigger budget than you do. You might be worried about making your trade show booth stand out when other companies are able to use high-tech gadgets and other costly options to bring people to their booths, but there are plenty of things that you can do to grab attention without spending a lot of money.