4 Things To Know About Purchasing A Power-Of-Sale Property

When you purchase a home, it is natural to assume that you will be purchasing the home either from another home owner, or from a contractor or developer. However, those are not the only three people or organizations that you can purchase a home from. If a previous homeowner did not pay their mortgage, and the home was foreclosed on, you can also purchase the home from the mortgage lender who previously held the loan on the home.

Removing Dust From Your Furnace Increases Efficiency. Here's How You Can Do It

If you own a furnace, you'll need to keep it dust-free. Small particles of dust come in the air intake, and some will make it through the air filter and into the furnace's combustion chamber. When dust builds up in your furnace, it degrades its efficiency. Dusty burners no longer receive the right air flow mixture, so the gas won't combust cleanly. This impairs efficiency and increases the amount of toxic gases (such as carbon monoxide) that it produces.

Getting the Most of a Fixer-Upper House

That humble little home that you happened to find by chance can end up being a great investment and the house of your dreams at the same time. Perhaps it's a foreclosure listing, or maybe you're a newlywed looking to own for the first time, and the two of you are enthusiastic about fixing up an old home with some charm. Either way, you will have some work cut out for you.